See yourself in a whole new way.
Need clarity on a big decision? Or help with a relationship issue? Want to discover your life’s purpose and true calling? The answers are right on your face!
Face reading comes from an ancient branch of Chinese Medicine and uncovers messages hidden in your features. Face reading sessions reveal how you can emphasize your strengths, resolve obstacles, and live your best life—all based on your unique features.
What is face reading?
In ancient Chinese Medicine, face reading was originally used as a diagnostic tool for health issues and illnesses. But face readers also discovered that reading your facial features could be a powerful way to reveal aspects of your personality and unique makeup. For that reason, face readers were like the original “life coaches”! Face readers could help people with what type of job to take, whether to marry this person, or even discover their purpose in life.
This work is about using your outer features to understand your inner blueprint, like revealing a map of who you are.
We are all born with a unique blueprint of who we’re meant to be. Chinese face reading brings this map to light. Your map can show how you think, what types of careers would be a good fit, how you act when under stress, how you’re likely to fight with a partner, and more.
This means that your specific features are there for a reason! Why not find out that reason through a face reading session?
Why have a face reading?
A face reading can help answer big questions — about major life decisions, relationships, your life’s purpose, resolving big stressors, and more. You’ll learn what your features say about your personality, your strengths, your blind spots, and how to live in alignment with your best self.
What is a session like?
We will talk over the phone or over zoom. Don’t worry—I won’t be staring deeply into your eyes or leaning in close to see your nose! Video conferencing technology doesn’t always have great image quality and I need a sharp, clear view of your face, so you’ll send me photos of yourself in advance.
How do I get started?
Follow the link to book an appointment. In the scheduling page, you’ll find instructions for uploading photos. The photos you submit should be close-up and well-lit. If you’re using an iPhone, “portrait mode” works great for this. You will need to take a photo of yourself smiling, not smiling, from the side, and a close-up of each ear.
$225 per session (75 minutes)
Remote sessions available over Zoom.
In-person sessions available by request. Email for a quote including travel time.
Want to send Julia an e-mail? Click here.
Ready to schedule your face reading?
Click here.